Jo Plummer is an experienced Chair and board executive working across a portfolio of positions including Barwon Water, Deakin MBA Advisory, Barwon Asset Solutions and Geelong Regional Football and the South Melbourne market. Her experience will be invaluable in allowing you to explore board opportunities.
Jo is known for her optimistic, energetic style and has been affectionately coined the ‘positive provocateur’. She is relentless in her drive to focus on and positively shape the futures of the organisations with which she is engaged. Her trademark is aligning customer and community expectations with sound commercial, social and environmental outcomes.
Currently, Jo’s portfolio includes numerous board Chair and committee roles, as well as professional director mentoring. She was recently made a Fellow of the AICD and is a graduate of the Company Directors and Mastering the Boardroom courses. Jo also holds an MBA majoring in Strategy, Planning, Leadership & Communication.